Positive Living Network Galway 1st Birthday Party

We are told that we are the sum of the 5 people we surround ourselves with.   

The reason why Jenny Grainger started the Positive Living Network is a story a lot of us will resonate with.   

Oftentimes when we start following our passion and leave the more mainstream "what people consider normal" type of life our friends and family may not understand us.  It may be that we start to question our life and seek answers to things we never looked at before.   It is at these times we seek to find our tribe and surround ourselves with others that just "get us"!!

I was delighted to be asked by Founder of the Postive Living Network in Galway Fiona McDonagh to speak at the January 2017 event.   My talk was about how to embrace positive emotions.  Our emotions are pieces of energy e - motion; energy in motion and I love helping people understand how we can change their charge for us.  

Last night was the 1st birthday party for the Galway Positive Living Group and I was delighted to be invited along to support the event at the wonderful 56 Central Restaurant.  

Pat Divilly High-Performance Coach, Speaker, and Best Selling Author was the guest speaker.  Pat spoke to us about our stories which, as anyone who knows me knows, is a topic close to my heart!

Pat gave us tools on ways to question our stories and demonstrated how we are always looking to attach meaning to things.   These meanings, of course, come from our stories and how we perceive things to be.   When it comes to relationships though this can be a dangerous strategy as the other person may have a very different meaning attached to the same story!     When we learn to unravel these truths we learn to live happier and more fulfilling lives as we free up energy we are holding into. 

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We finished the evening with networking, mince pies, and delicious cake.   Thanks to Fiona, Dorothy and Gill for a fantastic evening. 

For anyone wanting more information on the Positive Living Network check out their website and for information on the Galway meetings contact Fiona McDonagh at Postive Living Galway Facebook page

Dolores Andrew-Gavin, Author, Assertive and Empowerment Coach, Energy Therapist and Founder of the Global Emotional Health Summit.