Top Tips for Mozzie Bite Prevention


Great tips for Mozzie Bite Prevention from bite prevention expert, Howard Carter

"If you're a mozzie magnet try my CLOAK method for effective bite prevention...

• C – Cover up arms and legs with suitable clothing.
• L – Light coloured clothing is strongly advisable.
• O – Odours, bodily or otherwise, like certain kairomones and perfumes are strong attractants. So wash thoroughly, including exfoliating with a loofah, and do not use perfumes.
• A – Apply an effective, preferably natural, insect repellent such as incognito 
• K – Keep away from stagnant water if possible. 

It is a good idea to always cover up with suitable clothing; wear a long sleeved, light coloured top and full length trousers. Studies show conclusively that black, blue and green attract mosquitoes, as do floral patterns, so clothing should ideally be white. Light olive and light brown are also good.

It’s also important to avoid all fragrances. Some perfumes such as lavender combinations actually attract insects – just look closely at a lavender bush! Be aware that most toiletries and sunscreens, along with most fabric softeners contain scent. Be aware of your odour output!

Use protection on any exposed skin and spray your clothing as well; mosquitoes can and will bite through fabric, even thick jeans. Spray an insect repellent on and around your door before entering as mosquitoes often lie in wait on the outside of doors and windows and this simple procedure helps to keep them out of your house. And be aware that many mosquitoes have come to tolerate DEET and certain other pesticides. 

Mosquito activity peaks around dusk and dawn so it is advisable to stay indoors at these times if at risk.

Different species of mosquito are attracted to varying kairomones, so a strategy in one place may not work in another. However, incognito® mosquito repellent is effective against all 3,500 different species of mosquito, so you will be protected anywhere in the world, provided you follow the instructions. incognito® spray and roll-on are as strong as DEET and much safer.

And if you're unlucky enough to get bitten, use a device such as a Zap-Ease, which helps stop itching and reduces swelling from mosquito bites, and helps prevent the urge to scratch.”