3 Ways To Stay on Top of your Finances

Was minding your finances a resolution you set for the new year?    If so, how is that going?  

With Venus retrograding through the sky since December 19th and for most of January, she was having us trawl through all things related to our values.   And our finances are so intrinsically aligned to how we value ourselves, if we don’t feel we are worthy of receiving money then we most likely won’t attract it to us!    AND if we do attract it, we may find it hard to hold onto it!  

Here are 3 Ways to Stay on Top of Your Finances

1.       We can hold limiting beliefs around not having enough money.   If this is the case, then this is the energy we are manifesting from.   

When we want to effect change in our life, we will want to release the beliefs that hold us back or cause us to be stuck or limited around our financial capacity to provide adequately for ourselves and our families.      

And of course, money issues can cause us stress and have a negative effect on our mental health.  This is especially the case if we find we have already gotten ourselves into debt or, if we worry about getting into debt.

Thankfully, there are options available to us to support us reverse the growth of any debt we may have, thereby reducing our stress.   

2.       If you are someone who struggles to stay on top of your finances, there are people out there who can help you.

There are websites like Debt Consolidation who provide resources, tools and programmes to help people manage their debt before it’s too late and before they find themselves way in over their heads.   The aim of companies like Debt Consolidation is to support people to regain financial control and reduce their financial stress.   You can find more information about them here.

If you are concerned about your finances, you can visit a website like Mabs and do a financial health check.  This is helpful if you fear that your property will be repossessed or if you are facing eviction. 

3.       Get support to put a financial plan into place.   It doesn’t matter what age you are, financial planning can benefit people of all ages.

Planning ahead for our financial security can be done in many ways and awareness of these is paramount to successful financial planning.  

These days college students have very easy access to credit cards which can lead to them getting into huge debt.     A young person defaulting on their student loans can have severe consequences and affect them into their future when it comes to qualifying for a mortgage or a car loan.   

And let’s face it college fees can turn out to be more expensive than any of us may have planned for.  For parents, setting up a college fund is something they can incorporate into their financial planning.  

It has been found from research that many older people don’t successfully plan for their future retirement.  This can either spring from an unwillingness to do so or in some cases, be caused by a real sense of confusion around how to put plans in place for their future.    

But planning our financial future is a smart move.

The main thing to know is that there is help out there depending on where you find yourself.     Don’t hesitate to ask for the help you need to get your financial future back on track.