5 Top Tips for Keeping your Mindset on Track

So where are you right now.

Are you here. I mean really here, right now?

Okay. It’s not an existential question about whether you exist or not. You most certainly do. However, science tells us that although your body is here going through the motions perhaps reading this on your phone or tablet, it's very likely your mind isn't.

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Craving a city break but don’t want to break the bank? Tops Tips

Are you craving a city break but don’t want to break the bank? Or do you have an idea of where you want to go, but unsure of a daily budget?

Well, there’s good news - travel experts, Alpharooms Ireland, have analysed the most popular destinations in Europe, before calculating how long a day budget of €50 will last.

Taking into account the average cost of food, transport, attractions and even alcohol in each city – their findings have uncovered the most purse-friendly cities to visit this year: 

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Love, Connection and Building the Perfect Partnership

Relationships are hard, when the honeymoon period ends they can get complicated and confusing. And when you add children into the mix it is easy for the relationship to start to spiral downhill into resentment, anger and daily frustration.

However, there are a few simple rules which anyone can follow to get their relationship back on track, rebuild the connection and rekindle the love.

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How to Get Healthy, Clean and Good-Looking Feet

We often give different amounts of attention to different parts of our body during our skincare routine, and there are some parts that we neglect completely. One of the parts that get neglected is often our feet, as we tend to care more about things that people can see all the time. However, the health of our feet is not just a case of basic hygiene, but having unhealthy feet can make basic tasks like walking or driving harder. So, here are some tips for keeping your feet healthy and pretty.

Keep them dry

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 5 Myths and Misconceptions About Concussions
  1. A concussion can only happen when playing a contact sport – False. You can still gain a concussion after a crash, when playing a non-contact sport, or even by falling over whilst drunk.

  2. You need to be hit in the head – Actually, concussions are caused by the internal motion of the brain and can be triggered by a hit to the neck or chest.

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5 top tips for increasing your emotional resilience

Ruth Kudzi, coach, mentor and author at Ruth Kudzi coaching shares her top tips:

1) Learn to prioritise your needs, take time out every day to do something for you. This can be anything from a bath, a walk outside, a cup of tea with a book. Moments of calm when you can recharge without screens and be on your own allow you to recharge. 

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Beginner's Guide to Nordic Walking

If you compare this to running which only uses 45% and cycling which uses 50%, it’s unsurprising why Nordic Walking is set to become a huge fitness trend this year.

In fact, the mood-boosting benefits of being outdoors have had such a huge impact that there are now 2,000 walks on offer throughout the UK.

So, to help you get your step on, Craig Manor, have created the ultimate beginner’s guide to Nordic Walking. Not only have they uncovered the unexpected benefits of this low-impact sport, but also explained how to – there really is more to it than walking with two poles: 

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Stilling Your Mind with a new app - Still Mind TM

Stilling your mind with Grainne Toher.

I discovered the benefits of meditation during a particularly, stressful family time in or around 2003.  My brain was humming much of the time during this period and it delighted in a few moments of complete switch off.  The switch off was a simple body-scan burned onto a cd. I wore it out.

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3 Top Tips for Your Health and Wellness

1 Eat warm foods and drinks

According to Traditional Chinese Medicine teachings, food is better digested if it is served warm and, eating large amounts of chilled foods and drinking iced drinks can impair digestion.  Consider steamed vegetables, cooked grains and some high quality protein in place of cold salads and swapping iced drinks for warm water with some lemon or herbal teas.

2 It’s not just what you eat…

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5 ways to keep your health and fitness on track this summer

With all this wonderful weather we’re having, it can be easy to lose motivation and get out of our usual health and fitness routines. We attend a few more barbecues, weddings, parties and jet off on holidays to relax and enjoy ourselves - I mean, that’s what summer’s for, right?!

But we all know the reality is, with less activity, more delicious food and increased consumption of cocktails by the pool, it’s easy to get little unfit and feel unhealthy at a time we’re wanting to feel our best. 

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3 Tips to Boost your Mental Health


Knowing and using your strengths has been shown to make you up to 9 times more likely to thrive at work and pleasure as well as improving energy levels, motivation, mental clarity and life satisfaction. 

If you don't know what your strengths are then check out this website for a free on line assessment and then endeavour to consciously use one of your top strengths x 3 times today.

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Top Tips for Mozzie Bite Prevention

"If you're a mozzie magnet try my CLOAK method for effective bite prevention...

• C – Cover up arms and legs with suitable clothing.
• L – Light coloured clothing is strongly advisable.
• O – Odours, bodily or otherwise, like certain kairomones and perfumes are strong attractants. So wash thoroughly, including exfoliating with a loofah, and do not use perfumes.
• A – Apply an effective, preferably natural, insect repellent such as incognito 
• K – Keep away from stagnant water if possible. 

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