How to Turn House Cleaning Into a Workout!

Guest blog post by Kat Buckley from Happy Cleans

We so often come home from work tried that cleaning is the last thing we want to do. This
infographic from the team at HappyCleans looks at cleaning from the point of view of getting fit. The calories burned doing these menial tasks may surprise you and it can really help you to get fit. 

Before you begin, get your favourite album on and put on some loose-fitting clothes as cleaning at this speed can make you sweat quite a lot!

One hour of just one household task burns some serious calories. For example, hoovering rids you of 153 calories an hour so if you spent an evening hoovering the whole house you’ve done a serious workout.

Dusting is another necessary evil and can burn up to 174 calories in an hour. You can make dusting extra intensive by adding light weights to your wrists. This will help to strengthen your arms significantly. Dusting is also a vital part of any cleaning routine an it can especially be a nightmare for people with allergies. Find out more in the infographic now!
