Posts tagged guest blog
Allergies and Cough: Everything You Need to Know

Rhinitis and Post-nasal Drip: The Missing Link

The most common signs of an allergic reaction related to the airways are sneezing and a runny nose, but it is important to note that coughing may also occur during an allergy attack. This is particularly true for people with chronic rhinitis.

People suffering from this condition often have post-nasal drip, a symptom involving the accumulation of mucus along the back of the throat and nose that causes mucus to drip in a downward direction. In some cases, there’s no actual mucus accumulation and the sensation is only simulated, which causes coughing all the same.

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Why nutrition is important for people with dementia

The type of food we consume is capable of affecting both our health and the quality of life we live. People who are poorly nourished are prone to get sick more often compared to individuals who consume a healthy diet on a daily basis. Poor nutrition has been identified as a major health issue among the elderly folk. People who suffer from dementia have a lot of challenges when it comes to maintaining a healthy diet. Some of the challenges they experience in terms of maintaining a healthy diet include but are not limited to:

  • They may experience a loss of appetite

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5 Ways To Take The Stress Out Of Travelling

Regardless of your reason for travel, whether it be for business purposes or for leisure, it certainly doesn’t come without its fair share of stresses. Even the most frequent travellers aren’t totally immune to the stresses that travelling can bring. To lend you a helping hand, we’re detailing some of the best ways to take the stress out of travelling, in the hopes of making your next travel experience a little less turbulent.

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Dental Erosion Explained

Dental erosion is when dental hard tissue is lost from factors other than bacteria. Such erosion usually stems from the presence of acids, as well as from pressure, corrosion, and friction. Factors leading to corrosion may be intrinsic, such as acid reflux, or extrinsic, such as from diet. Saliva acts to naturally neutralize acids that may cause erosion. A recent European study found that roughly 34% of children showed signs of erosion and approximately 28% of those between 18 and 30 years of age.  These findings show the importance of increasing awareness regarding erosion-related dental problems early in life to protect tooth enamel that is unreplaceable.

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My WHY I help couples with Fertility the Natural Way

I struggled repeatedly to build my family after the birth of my daughter 21 years ago. 

I had no tools at my disposal to manage my emotions, heal my body or even settle my mind after the loss of my "angel babies". Even that expression didn't exist or if it did I was not aware of it .. it may have actually given me some comfort at the time to think of my lost babies as angels in heaven and could have diverted some of the grief. 

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Four Ways to Help Aging Joints

It’s an inevitability of age; the older we get, the more susceptible we are to ailments. Step forward arthritis: easily one of the most common complaints of the more mature among us.
Causing inflammation and pain in the joints of the body, osteoarthritis (OA) is a degenerative disease stemming directly from general wear and tear. And affecting 350 million people worldwide, it is not one that should be taken lightly.

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Freya: Archetype for personal empowerment, self-mastery & leadership

The Norse goddess Freya, (Lady) is known for her beauty, sensuality and magical abilities to shapeshift and divine the future. She was a collector of magical items such as the Brisingamen necklace and a cloak of falcon feathers that enabled the wearer to change into a falcon. Freya also had a chariot that was pulled by two great mountain cats. There were different tribes of gods and she was a Vanir, who had their origins in the earth and mountains. Half of the souls of the warriors killed in battle were chosen for her “Field of Folk,” in the upper world of Asgard, home of the gods. As such, she is a chief of the Valkyrie (Choosers of the Slain) and a goddess of death.

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How A Clean Office Can Boost Productivity

From employees missing work through illness to becoming distracted by office clutter, a filthy
working environment can have a destabilising effect on productivity. Also, people will naturally be motivated to work harder when they have the pleasure of coming into an office that’s immaculately clean and tidy.

Therefore, it is a good idea for companies to set aside a small portion of time each week to perform simple, routine cleaning tasks that will keep the office in fine nick and prevent the
accumulation of clutter and toxins. This infographic looks at how a tidy working environment can lend itself to notable increases in productivity.

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Mindfulness Against Alzheimer’s

One of the worst things about Alzheimer’s lies in the fact that a person can spend decades suffering from it. It’s one of those diseases that irreversibly diminish one’s lifestyle quality, without cure, solution or even prospects of things ever getting better. According to recent statistics, Alzheimer’s dementia affects about 10 percent of people older than 65, although to a different degree.

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Alcohol is among the most misunderstood substances. Here are 9 myths we seek to bust.

Alcohol is among the most misunderstood substances. Some people know it is extremely bad for your health, while others advocate moderate consumption of the substance.

Regardless of your goal - preventing hangovers, releasing all caution to the wind because of a wild night, or reducing the amounts of calories you take in, drinkers tend to follow certain rules that they have set for themselves whenever they go out to drink with their friends, mainly so that they do not have to endure certain unpleasant results from that night.

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5 Tips to Speed Recovery after Exercise

Do you know that feeling when you do a heck of a good workout and you go back home thinking everything's perfect, but you know that the next day is going to be hell? Yes, it is inevitable, your muscles will ache. And then that day comes where no matter which way you move, you hurt. You feel pain and you are annoyed. Muscle soreness is normal and there is no way to eliminate it completely. And it is good, you've been working on your glutes and now they hurt? Hooray! Good job. When your muscles hurt, you know that you've done a good workout. However, wouldn't you like to speed up the recovery process a bit after the exercise? If so, take a look at these five great tips for speedy muscle recovery!

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Everything You Need to Know About Adaptogens - Natures Natural Stress & Cortisol Reducer, Energy Booster and Hormone Optimizer

Adaptogens are natural, non-toxic healers.  

In fact, it’s quite possible you’ve been consuming adaptogens your entire life without knowing it, unwittingly reaping adaptogenic benefits.

We’ll stop here for a minute, because we know what you’re thinking. Adaptogens aren’t the newest, hottest wellness trend that’s come to stake its claim over beet juice smoothies, rose water, and quinoa.

Adaptogens are more than a trend. They’ve been a part of medicine for centuries.

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Surf Your Way Into Shape This Summer

Ladies and gentlemen, do you want to have tons of fun this summer? Do you also want to trim your body while at it? It’s possible! Kate Hudson and Cameron Diaz are living proofs that surfing is not only super exciting but it also serves as an efficient cardio workout! But, before you start looking for surfboards and beaches, you need to know a few things. Let’s begin!

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Common Workplace Illnesses & How to Minimise Their Risk

The risk of contracting illnesses and injuries in the workplace can be heightened by the nature of work that you’re performing – for example, people involved in manual labour could be prone to back problems and muscular injuries from the physical exertion that the job entails. Therefore, all reasonably foreseeable risks should be minimised by workplace management, while staff must act responsibly and not endanger the health and safety of colleagues at work. So long as the necessary safety precautions are taken, the instances of work-related illnesses and injuries should diminish notably, as will absenteeism.

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How a Tinder Hack Led to Thousands of Women Becoming Friends Around the World

Ah, Tinder. We’ve all heard of it. Some love it. Some hate it. And some love to hate it. Many
see it as the beginning of the end of traditional romance, and a precursor to a dating-on-
demand culture. Others see an opportunity to turns the status quo on its head. One of those
who saw such a chance, was Elva Carri.

Bored at home one Friday night, Elva had an urge to leave the couch and go out dancing.

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Easy Tips To Enhance Home Air Quality For Better Health

In actuality, the air quality inside your home is seen to be much more polluted than the air that is outside your house. Pollutants and allergens are found to be three to five times more in comparison to the ones outside your house.

It is important for you to note that this pollution largely causes different health issues or concerns. Your family and loved ones may not be as safe as what you think especially during the winter season. This season is the time when all the windows and doors are shut down.

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How can European countries improve vaccination in the wake of the measles outbreak?

With the dramatic increase in measles in Europe – a four-fold increase from 2016 to 2017, according to a recent report by the World Health Organization – and the urgent need for vaccines protecting against infections for which no vaccines currently exist, the European Commission has drafted a roadmap for ‘Strengthened cooperation against vaccine preventable diseases’ and aims to adopt a proposal by mid-2018 for a Council Recommendation on Strengthened Cooperation against Vaccine Preventable Diseases. In a new commentary on the roadmap, The European Academies’ Science Advisory Council (EASAC), and The Federation of European Academies of Medicine (FEAM) both believe that vaccination is an issue that must be addressed urgently and hence offer recommendations for improving the roadmap. The EASAC / FEAM commentary addresses vaccine coverage; vaccine hesitancy; vaccine availability; and new vaccine development.

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Improving Your Health Through Singing

In Ireland we have a lost tradition of singing for each other in our homes with family and friends.  The decline began during the 1930’s, when radios became more popular, closely followed by Television in the 1950’s and 60’s.  Nowadays, we can sit for hours watching a movie or listen to the radio in the car and though we may have gained a lot from all the advances in modern technology such as these, we may need to count what we have lost too.  

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