Posts in Guest Blog
Skateboarding - Great HIIT Workout

Looking for some new ways to work out and stay in shape without going to the gym? Then you’re at the right place.

There are certainly numerous ways for getting shredded, but HIIT workouts do the job perfectly. Most people don’t even know what HIIT is, so let’s answer that question first.

HIIT stands for High-Intensity Interval Training, and it has

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Top 3 Fitness Trackers

Popularity for fitness trackers has grown over the years and it seems just about everyone is sporting one on their wrist, constantly counting their steps and calories burned. With the hundreds of gadgets on the market, today promising the do the best job at monitoring your activity levels, trying to find the tracker for your needs can take a lot of research.

The team at closely studied 87 different trackers to determine the best devices for your money.

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Planning a Summer Wedding? Don’t Forget These Tips

Summer days can be tough to handle even without all the wedding-related fuss, but if you plan everything right and adjust your ceremony according to the season, it can be super fun and comfortable for everyone. With that in mind, here are some tips you can incorporate into your wedding for a summer fairy-tale ceremony.

Refreshing soft drinks

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The Ultimate Travel Packing Checklist and You Are Good to Go

One of the key elements of happiness is setting aside time for yourself. If we don’t take the time to indulge, relax and unwind, what is all our hard work worth? Live is meant to be enjoyed, and there are few things that can bring you more joy than traveling; traveling soothes the soul, expands your horizons, teaches you about different cultures, helps you recharge your batteries and come home a better and more positive person.

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Gluten-Free Diets Are Easier to Follow Than Ever

You might hear a lot of people say how gluten-free diet is a nonsense, the latest trend or simply a whim. However, there are a lot of people out there who would absolutely disagree, myself included. Many will wonder if gluten intolerance is an illness of the modern society or simply the result of unhealthy habits and there are a lot of articles and studies about this topic. The fact is, when a person cannot tolerate gluten, there are obvious symptoms that one mustn’t disregard. These symptoms include: constipation (often followed by diarrhea), bloating, various aches and fatigue, headaches, and even restless sleep. If you’re having some of these problems, you might want to try avoiding products that contain gluten and see if your health will imYou might hear a lot of people say how gluten-free diet is a nonsense, the latest trend or simply a whim. However, there are a lot of people out there who would absolutely disagree, myself included. Many will wonder if gluten intolerance is an illness of the modern society or simply the result of unhealthy habits and there are a lot of articles and studies about this topic. The fact is, when a person cannot tolerate gluten, there are obvious symptoms that one mustn’t disregard. These symptoms include: constipation (often followed by diarrhea), bloating, various aches and fatigue, headaches, and even restless sleep. If you’re having some of these problems, you might want to try avoiding products that contain gluten and see if your health will improve. And don’t be afraid that your life will get complicated, you can have a normal life even without having certain ingredients in it. Here are some tips that will help you have a normal, gluten-free life.prove. And don’t be afraid that your life will get complicated, you can have a normal life even without having certain ingredients in it. Here are some tips that will help you have a normal, gluten-free life.

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10 science-backed up ways to be happier right now

Whether you think of happiness as a state of mind or something fleeting, we all have times when we feel down and might need a small push in order to get to our happy place again, without resorting to binging, addiction, spending money, or overeating.

In fact, according to Science Daily, encouraging your own positive emotions can put you in a happy state, and increase your overall life satisfaction.

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Organic Foods Are Tastier and Healthier

In this day and age, when we are surrounded by pollution, the one thing we can control and take care of is what kind of food we eat. Therefore, a lot of people are choosing to eat a bit more expensive organic food rather than conventionally-grown food which is full of various toxic chemicals.

What does ‘organic’ mean?

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How to Address The World's Food Wasting Problem

One of the biggest forms of waste in today’s world is the increasing amount of food that’s never eaten. As the world population continues to grow, so does the need for producing enough food to feed everyone.

But approximately 30 percent of the food that’s produced ultimately goes to waste. This results from a number of factors including issues related to the food supply chain.

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The Celebrity Skin Care Trend You Should Never Try .. Let's Keep It Natural!

If you are like many women, you likely hear of a new celebrity beauty secret and then become eager to try it out. While many celebrities are beautiful, the truth is that they are not scientists or dermatologists.

That means that just because you hear that a celebrity has shared a new skin care tip, you shouldn't assume it is healthy for your skin. In fact, replicating the celebrity skin care trend of skipping your morning facial cleanse can be disastrous for your skin, and here's why.

Why You Should Never Skip Your Morning Facial Cleanse

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